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Roxana Baciu Mednet

Roxana Baciu

Roxana Baciu are aproape 20 de ani de experienta in FMCG si cercetare de piata, intr-o varietate de pozitii manageriale. Detine un background solid in retail audit, cercetare de consumator si business development, iar in ultimii ani si-a extins expertiza in piata de bunuri de folosinta indelungata, telefonie, IT, precum si in pietele de servicii medicale private si asigurari.

Roxana has nearly 20 years experience in FMCG and market research, in a variety of managerial positions. She has a solid background in retail audit, consumer research and business development and further expanded her reach in recent years in durable goods, telecom and IT but also in private medical services and insurance markets.
